Plainville Art Department Takes First Place at MCL Art Competition!
On January 17th, art students from the MCL schools traveled to Norton to compete in the MCL Art Competition.
This year's theme was: The Space Between Light and Dark.
Students were given the theme and then were allowed 30 minutes to come up with an idea (Art instructors were allowed to help with this portion), then 2 hours were given to create the project. No art teachers were allowed in the creation of the finished product.
The Plainville art students interpreted the theme as how we must embrace both sides of ourselves and that every day we choose who we want to be. Their painting depicts a girl wrapping herself in curtains painted to represent night and day along with dark and light. She is standing in the space between the curtains, bringing light and dark together and sporting a gray dress.
Plainville took 1st place in the competition followed by Wakeeney in 2nd and Norton in 3rd.
Students on this year's Plainvillle Team are:
Bailey Werner
Conner Sowles
Jessie Gilmore
Brooke Werner
Kayla Garvert
Plainville Art Instructor is Jill Wells
Congratulation Plainville Art Students!